CTC Connect
UAF Community and Technical College is the largest community campus in the University of Alaska System, with an average of over 3,000 students enrolled and 15,000 credit hours produced each semester. UAF Community and Technical College serves nearly 40 percent of all students at the University of Alaska Fairbanks and produces over 20 percent of all credit hours.

UAF Community and Technical College has a budget of $11million annually made up of tuition and fees paid by students and by general fund dollars from the State of Alaska. UAF Community and Technical College has approximately 40 regular faculty and about the same number of full-time staff and hires over 300 adjunct or part-time faculty each year to meet the needs of over 40 certificate and degree programs.

The University of Alaska is an equal opportunity/equal access employer and educational institution. The university is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination against individuals on the basis of any legally protected status.
Page Last modified: March 03 2025. Any questions or comments regarding this web site can be sent to: uaf-ctc-connect@alaska.edu .