CTC Connect Payroll/Timesheets

* Timesheets *

Bi-weekly timesheets are required for All UAF Community and Technical College employees except for Adjunct Faculty.    Timesheets are due to the Fiscal Office every other Friday unless otherwise noted for early submission (see Timesheet Submission Schedule).  Timesheets may be faxed to 455-2840; however, if they do not print clearly you will be asked to submit your original.

If you do not receive a timesheet, or have lost yours, you can print your own Exempt or Non-Exempt timesheet.  Please neatly write in your name, ID number and the dates, sign it and turn in to your supervisor for signature.  The rest of the information on the timesheet will be completed for you.

Time sheets are legal documents and must be completed in ink.  Payroll cannot process incomplete timesheets.  Late timesheets will be processed in the next regular payroll run.


*Report hours worked and hours that you were absent (i.e., Annual Leave, Sick Leave and Holidays).  Overtime hours must be approved in advanced in writing by the Director.


*Report only hours you were absent from work
(i.e., Annual Leave, Sick Leave). Do not report Holidays.



Full Time = 80 hours
(Holidays, Annual Leave or Sick Leave=8 hours/day)

¾ Time = 60 hours
(Holidays, Annual Leave or Sick Leave=6 hours/day)

½ Time = 40 hours
(Holidays, Annual Leave or Sick Leave=4 hours/day)


Report actual hours worked only; not eligible for Annual Leave, Sick Leave or Holidays.


The following paragraphs are excerpts of UA Board of Regents Regulation:

04.05.020, (D): Fair Labor Standards Act and Alaska Wage and Hour Law Criteria


Employees in nonexempt categories will be compensated on an hourly basis, rather than salary, and will be eligible for overtime pay for hours worked in excess of 40 per work week, as approved in advance by the employee's immediate supervisor, unless otherwise excepted by the Fair Labor Standards Act and/or the Alaska Wage and Hour Laws. Hours worked excludes all leave and holiday hours.

Nonexempt employees will not be eligible for compensatory time-off in lieu of overtime pay. This Regulation does not prohibit the arrangement of flexible working schedules for employees which do not exceed 40 hours in any work week.  Nonexempt employees are required to submit time sheets for all hours.


Employees in exempt categories will be compensated by salary, rather than hourly rates of pay, and will not be eligible for overtime pay. Exempt employees are not required by federal or state law to submit timesheets for pay purposes; however, they may be required to do so by the supervisor or department head and must always submit timesheets when using leave hours during the pay period in question.


For classified (non-exempt) employees, if the travel takes place during the employee's normal work hours (even if travel occurs on the employee's normal day off), the employee is eligible for payment of wages for the travel time during normal work hours (not to exceed 8 hours). Compensated travel time shall be considered "worked time" for purposes of calculating overtime premium pay. For faculty, exempt, and executive employees, regardless of when the travel takes place, the employee shall receive his or her normal pay. There shall be no payment or compensatory time provided for travel on weekends or other non-work periods.

*JURY DUTY:  R04.06.170 *

Department heads are authorized to grant such leave with pay upon the presentation of a subpoena by the employee. A record of absences for these purposes will be maintained and reported as "jury duty" leave with pay.  It is the responsibility of the employee to keep his/her supervisor or department head informed of the anticipated time to be spent away from the job for this purpose.  The employee's regular university pay will continue to be paid during such leave.  Any pay received by employees from a court system for service on jury duty or as court witness duty will promptly be returned by the employee to the university to offset part of the cost of such absences.

*BOARD OF REGENTS POLICY AND REGULATION *may be accessed at: https://www.alaska.edu/bor/policy-regulations/.  Bargaining unit members may go to UA Statewide Labor Relations' web site at: https://www.alaska.edu/hr/labor/labor-relations/index.php

*SIGNATURES:* Employee signature is required.  Timesheets should be reviewed for accuracy and signed by the supervisor, but will be accepted prior to approval while the supervisor is out of town, (please leave the signature block blank). 
*TIMESHEET CORRECTIONS:* Time sheet corrections require the employee's and supervisor's initials.

UAF is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and an educational institution.
Page Last modified: May 28 2024. Any questions or comments regarding this web site can be sent to: uaf-ctc-connect@alaska.edu .